My most Charlottesville-centric story yet, a bit of a meditation on the past year. About pain, friendship, addiction, family, and ghosts. It's a ghost story by a person who kinda hates ghost story tropes. Deconstructionists gonna deconstruct.
Your normal author would care deeply about this one.
You pour your heart and soul into a book, compress a year's worth of pain and confusion and struggle and accumulated wisdom, rewrite & revise, over & over, fight through chronic pain & writer's block & personal turmoil, change it from a bizarro comedy to a straightforward drama to a low-key horror novel, get a great cover, and after months of work, finally release it...
And shrug.
It's not much fun. Some laughs, but just too personal and idiosyncratic. Not commercial. Not economically viable. I crank out enough of these that I can write off a book every now and then.
I might have just trunked it, but you never know. Might grab somebody. And I'm building an eccentric, diverse back catalog of work.
Next month, more reader-friendly books will resume. Coming soon: Dragon Mormon, Happy Chemtrails!, and Filmpass. Maybe the final Eric Roberts book somewhere in there.
See you then!
-B.P. Kasik/Phony McFakename