Monday, July 4, 2016

This is a Thing: Flamin' Hot Limon Cheetos

I don't review enough food on here. In fact, I've never reviewed food. But calling Cheetos "food" is a stretch, so maybe this doesn't count, either.
Flamin' Hot Limon Cheetos, yo. Look at it. LOOK AT IT.

I saw it on the rack at 7-11 and then put it in my belly.

Now yes, I will admit that there was some tasting in the middle of those two actions. Let's talk about that part.

This is the best Flamin' Hot item I've ever had. The nightmarish lemon-lime mutant hybrid "limon" flavor added a nice tang to the sometimes-overwhelming Flamin' Hot-ness. It tampered down the brutality and made it a palatable binging snack instead of one where you need to take a bite and then lay down for a bit to recover before taking another bite. It's delicious.

There you go.

I shared this because getting unexpected and weird food items is a thing for me. I particularly like spicy foods, but any weird food novelty item gets my attention.

I don't buy or eat junk food, as a rule. I eat an avocado daily, along with other fruits and veggies and various cholesterol-killing foods. But every once in a while, I let my hair down and get a little wild and crazy. I have to remind myself to be careful during these times, lest I go hog-wild and completely lose control.

Some other purple cow/bizarro food items I saw in the store, giggled at, and then converted into a mixture of body cells and waste products include:

A & W Root Beer Pop Tarts
Chester Cheetah's Flamin' Hot Popcorn
Cookies & Cream Pop-Tarts
Key Lime Oreos
Snyder's Honey Mustard Pretzel Breaded Tilapia
Mountain Dew Pitch Black (reboot)
Smore's Pop-Tarts
Lime Freeze Rock Star
Boom! Whipped Orange Rock Star
Batman Cereal
Superman Cereal
Taco Explosion Doritos
Takis chips, every flavor

Most of these were good, no serious complaints. Except for the Lime Freeze Rock Star, which was blech. And the caramel Superman cereal was much yummier than the strawberry-chocolate Batman cereal. Both were better than the movie they were promoting.

Also worth noting- Wal-Mart sells generic-brand double-stuffed Oreos that are BETTER THAN ACTUAL OREOS.

As a rule- caveat emptor on anything claiming to be flaming (or flamin') hot. As a rule, they're too hot. But almost never have they actually been aflame. False advertising, yo.

-Phony McFakename

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