Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Favorite Quotes: July 2017

"Sure, naked galactic vampire movies are a dime a dozen, but Hooper’s big-budget career-wrecker tears through all competition and stands tall as the ultimate example of the form...Do what you like, but skip this movie and you’ll be missing a telepathically-possessed Patrick Stewart deem himself 'the perfect woman' before kissing a dude right smack dab on the lips.”
-Review of Lifeforce, from Destroy All Movies! 

“Where’d you get your clothes, the poor store?”

“Where’d you get your manners, the rude store?”
-Video Game High School 

“Mummy, come back, ‘cause the water’s all gone”
-David Bowie, “Glass Spider”

“Hey, let’s not have a blame-storm here!”
-Netherbeast, Inc. 

“I’ll turn my home
(Check in, check out)
Into Bates Motel”
The Hitmen, “Bates Motel” 

“We're pretty good at finding demons to be afraid of.

The other.
The one in the shadows.
The family member we can't possibly please.
The invisible network of foes conspiring against us and what we stand for.
It turns out, though, that the one who usually lets us down is us. 
Our unwillingness to leap, to commit, to trust our own abilities.
It's the internal narrative that seeks disaster just as much as it craves reassurance. 
That's the one we ought to be vilifying, fortifying ourselves against and frightened of.
It gets less powerful once we are brave enough to look it in the eye.”
-Seth Godin

-Phony McFakename

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