Thursday, December 20, 2018

MoviePass: The Ongoing Saga (Part 14 of ?)

It seems I can't turn my back on MoviePass for a second.

Just YESTERDAY I said they weren't doing much in the news, since I hadn't gotten any news alerts on them for a few days. But if I'd done a simple Google search, I would have found they had shenanigans aplenty.

And I must share the shenanigans! So that you can stay informed!

And it's not just the usual stuff of them barely staying on the stock market. That happens so often, you have to assume they're always continuing to exist by the skin of their teeth.

Consider it news if MoviePass ever gets successful or makes money. I will let you know if that happens, believe you me.


First and foremost, Bruce Willis signed a three-picture deal with them.

And why wouldn't he? (Please note in this other article on the deal, Willis carefully never mentions MoviePass by name.)

We can only hope that the motion picture epics he makes in conjunction with MoviePass will live up to the high standard set by Willis' work in Acts of Violence, First Kill, Reprisal, Marauders, Once Upon a Time in Venice, Precious Cargo, and Extraction. (All of those films came out in the past two years, FYI.)


MoviePass apparently rehired a creep.

This isn't funny at all. And in the #MeToo age, these are toxic optics for a company that's already drowning in a sea of toxicity.


Oh, and MoviePass' new pricing structure is a train wreck. The notion of $9.95/month for three movies at $3.32/each is a thing of the past.

Now they're attempting the Sinemia-esque confusopoly of multiple plan options. You can pick from three different plans for three different time frames: three months, six months, or twelve months.

This gentleman on reddit broke down the per-movie cost for each of these plans to try to make sense of what they're doing here. They're claiming these are discounted rates, which is garbage, since all the rates are way higher than the previous $3.32 per movie.

TLDR summary of the summary: looks like three months of Select is the best plan. $4.88 per movie. It's "only" $4.44 per movie if you buy TWO subscriptions, but who on Earth is gonna do that!? These prices are certainly cheaper than buying tickets at full price at the box office. So they're good, but not great.

You know what IS great?

Sinemia. The plan I signed up for. Three movies a month for $8.99 plus the card for $1.25 per month for 12 months.

That's about $3.42 a movie.

TOP THAT, as a wise movie once said.


-B.P. Kasik/Phony McFakename

I wrote the book on MoviePass TWICE, once from a positive perspective, and once from a more realistic perspective. I also wrote a horror book about a sort-of evil MoviePass.

My "legitimate" books are on Amazon here and my Phony McFakename books are on Amazon hereI exist on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram but I only really post regularly on Instagram.

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