Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Favorite Quotes: June 2017

“Certain types of stupidity amaze me...I think the happily stupid, those people who are that way because they choose to be, or are too lazy or uninspired to be otherwise, are among the scariest people in the world. They are also, if you squint slightly, and can deal with a lot of sadness, pretty funny.”
-Joe R. Lansdale

"Put the bunny back in the box."
-Con Air

"Let's go do some crimes!"
"Yeah, let's get sushi...and not pay!"
-Repo Man

“This book is dedicated to a man who doesn’t need to read it: Adolf Hitler.”
-Foreword, How to Lose Friends and Alienate People (1937)

“God sees you, whether you want him to or not. There’s no escaping him.”
-Hand of God

“Her hair is hollow gold.”
-my misheard lyric for “Her hair is Harlow gold” from “Bette Davis Eyes”

“The day I tried to live
I stole a thousand beggar's change
And gave it to the rich…
And I learned that I was a liar
Just like you.”

“When you are writing about the world of the dead – and the damned – where none of the rules and laws (not even the law of gravity) holds good, there is any amount of scope for back-chat and funny cracks.”

“What you think is the point is not the point at all but only the beginning of the sharpness.”
-Flann O’Brien

“I’m looking for the joke with a microscope.”
-Iggy Pop

-Phony McFakename

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