Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Literateur: "Henrika" by Phony McFakename

Well, it finally happened. I published so many books on my own that I finally got the attention of an outside publisher.
This is it. This is my first book that was professionally edited and professionally released.

Henrika is the tale of a perfectly nice zombie girl in a small West Virginia town who decides to leave town and check out the human world. And how things go terribly wrong.

I wrote it many years ago and reworked it for a modern audience. It's a couple bucks more expensive than usual, but it's literally four times as long as my usual books. So you're getting your money's worth!

A very warm thank-you to Jean Cooper for her editing work on this book, as I totally forgot to thank her in the book itself. Thanks, Jean!

-Phony McFakename

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Legal disclaimer: I am on Twitter and Facebook and InstagramAnd my books are on Amazon and Barnes & Noble and Kobo and probably some other places, too.

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